PDXPLORES Podcast Hiatus Announcement with Anthony King
On this episode, PDXPLORES Podcast Producer, Anthony King, explains that while the Research and Graduate Studies-based interview program will be going on hiatus, there are plenty of informative episodes in the back catalog to listen to and enjoy. Thank you for listening to PDXPLORES!
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Welcome to PDXPLORES, a Portland State Research Podcast featuring scholarship, innovations, and discoveries pushing the boundaries of knowledge, practice, and what is possible for the benefit of our communities and the world. My name is Anthony King, and I produce the PDXPLORES Podcast, which is part of Portland State University's Research and Graduate Studies Department. Or more commonly known as RGS. I'm reaching out to you, the listener, to let you know that while PDXPLORES will be going on hiatus, our back catalog of highly informative and engaging podcast episodes featuring notable PSU faculty will still be available to access and listen to anytime, anywhere. From concept to execution, the PDXPLORES podcast was the brainchild of former RGS communications manager, Sean McGillis. Sean's goal with the podcast was to shine a light on the remarkable and award winning endeavors and accomplishments of PSU's notable researchers and academics. Given its listenership, downloads, and engagement metrics, PDXPLORES proved to be an easily accessible conduit for listeners to learn how our university's best minds address the needs that face both our region and the world. From putting the principles of epidemiology into easily accessible language, to discussing transient dynamics of fluid mechanics research aboard the International Space Station, to highlighting the life's work of the world's foremost virus hunter, PSU's innovators are not only living up to the university's guiding principle to let knowledge serve the city, but are providing a gateway directly to Portland State University. While the spirit of PDXPLORES will live on in our catalog of amazing podcast episodes, it also continues with PSU's highly engaging Ship Talk podcast, hosted by Kanani Porotesano and Stacey Horton. I would like to thank you, the listener, for being an indelible part of PDXPLORES. Your listenership is truly appreciated. You are who we made this podcast for. It is my hope that this hiatus will be brief, because not only is there so much vital research coming out of our university, but there are so many more incredible researchers you have yet to meet, and this podcast is one of the best ways to meet them. Thank you for listening to PDXPLORES. If you liked what you heard on this episode, please rate and follow the show anywhere you get your podcasts.